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Five Types of Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2 with Samples

We will discuss about 5 types of essay in IELTS for writing task 2 and get into the details of each task type so that you can understand thoroughly and get tips for success in writing.

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The IELTS writing task 2 tests the essay writing skills of the students. There are 5 different types of essays in IELTS that a student can be asked to write. Therefore, before appearing for the test, the candidates should practice all of them and learn about their structure and writing style. Here, we will discuss different essays and their aspects and give you a clear insight into writing a perfect essay to successfully complete your test and get an 8+ band score. Thus, let's get started and explore the types of essays.

What Are the Types of Essays in IELTS Writing Task 2?

For the IELTS writing task 2, you must learn 5 different IELTS essay types that are commonly asked from the aspirants. These are - 

1. Opinion Essay

2. Discussion Essay 

3. Problem-Solution Essay 

4. Advantages and Disadvantages Essay 

5. Double Question Essay

It is highly important for the students to carefully read and understand the essay question to find out the type of essay they have to write. Each essay has a specific structure and approach. Therefore, you must practice all the types of Essays in IELTS to enhance your ability to handle different task types effectively. Let us have a look at all the 5 types of essays in detail.

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1. Opinion Essay

Also known as an agree/disagree essay or an argumentative essay. An opinion essay assesses your ability to present a clear stance on an issue, support it with relevant examples, and provide a well-structured argument. Opinion essays are an integral part of the IELTS exam pattern. In this type of essay, you have to present and support your opinion on a given topic. You must provide relevant examples and evidence to support your argument. Now, we will discuss the structure of an opinion essay. 


The structure of an opinion essay is as follows:

  1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase the essay topic or question.
  • Write the thesis statement and clearly state your opinion.
  1. Body Paragraphs
  • There can be 2 or 3 body paragraphs depending on the question.
  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence. It should give a main supporting point.
  • Provide examples, evidence, or personal experiences to support each point.
  • Explain your ideas, explaining their relevance to the topic.
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points.
  • Restate your opinion.
  • Remember you do not have to give any new information.

Sample of Opinion Essay 

Q. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that technology has made our lives better? 


Technology has become an integral part of our lives. According to me, it has impacted us in many ways and also significantly improved our overall well-being.


One of the main reasons for supporting this view is that technology has brought a lot of convenience to our daily activities. For example, after the arrival of smartphones, people are able to communicate more effectively with each other. They have made the world a smaller place where we can stay connected and share our feelings and information through texts, images and videos in no time.


With the advent of technology, there have been revolutionary changes in the fields of medicine and healthcare, leading to improved diagnostics and life-saving treatments. New machines and instruments have been introduced based on artificial technology, which has increased the quality and length of our lives.


In conclusion, I must say that although there may be some drawbacks to technological advancements, it has a powerful impact on our communication system and healthcare services. Therefore, if we are looking for a better future, we must embrace technology and focus on the positive aspects of it.

Key Tips

  1. You must express your opinion in clear words such that your stance on the topic is apparent to the examiner.
  2. You have to support your opinion by providing real-life examples or scenarios in this IELTS task 2 essay type. This adds credibility to your argument.
  3. If there are opposing views, pay attention to them in a brief manner such as to strengthen your overall argument.
  4. You must stay focused on the topic and make sure that all the paragraphs are directly related to the essay topic.
  5. You should use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to showcase your language proficiency.

You must practice a lot to master opinion essays. You should regularly write on different topics so that you become familiar with various questions and also comfortable with the structure of different types of IELTS Writing Task 2. Now, let us move on to the discussion essay.

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2. Discussion Essay

In a discussion essay, you have to discuss the pros and cons of the given subject. It aims at providing a balanced view and shows how well you can handle multiple perspectives. In other words, you have to discuss both sides of an issue or topic before presenting your opinion. Here you have to discuss the pros and cons of the given topic maintaining a balance. If you are baffled by this, joining online IELTS classes is the best option.


The structure for an ideal discussion essay is as follows:

  1. Introduction
  • Provide a general statement about the topic in the beginning.
  • Give some background information.
  • Inform them that you will discuss both sides of the issue.
  1. Body Paragraphs
  • There can be 2 or 3 body paragraphs depending on the question.
  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence. It should give a main supporting point.
  • Support your points with examples or evidence.
  • Present your ideas in a balanced way, giving equal attention to both aspects.
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points made in the essay.
  • Again, talk about the fact that both sides of the issue were discussed.
  • Give your final thoughts about the topic.

Sample of Discussion Essay

Q. Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


Online learning provides a flexible and easy alternative to classroom education. A lot of students have adopted this approach in the last few years such as online IELTS classes. On the one hand, this approach has a number of advantages while on the other there are various challenges that need careful consideration.


Looking at the brighter side of online learning, we can say that online learning provides students with the flexibility to choose when and where they study. Students who have busy schedules or are both studying and working at the same time are most benefited by this. Also, the students can access a vast array of resources, including video lectures, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums through online education. Another advantage is cost-effectiveness. Online courses often cost less than traditional classroom-based courses, as the expenses related to travel, accommodation, and physical materials are not required.


On the other side, one of the main drawbacks of online learning is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. This will have an adverse effect on the ability to communicate and social skills. Another drawback is dependency on technology. It requires a reliable internet connection and technological proficiency. Those who don't have access to these are not able to participate completely. Also, students have to be self-motivated and self-disciplined as they study independently.


In conclusion, while online learning offers flexibility and easy access to resources, there are some downsides also, like limited interpersonal engagement and technical challenges. In order to get the most out of the online learning experience, one must keep a balance and tackle the challenges carefully. 

Key Tips

  1. You must provide a fair and balanced discussion of both sides of the issue.
  2. You have to clearly separate paragraphs for each aspect,e. the pros and cons of the discussion.
  3. Always use specific examples and evidence to strengthen your points.
  4. You must make sure to express your own opinion at the end of the essay.
  5. You should stay focused on the topic and avoid other issues.

Mastering discussion essays needs a lot of practice. To become at ease with the structure and style of these essays you have to regularly write on different topics of discussion essays. Next, we are going to discuss another type of IELTS writing task 2, i.e. problem solution essays.


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3. Problem Solution Essay

Also referred to as a ‘causes and solutions’ essay, a problem-solution essay talks about a problem and also gives possible solutions. In this, you have to convince the reader that the solutions you are providing are feasible. Thus, to write this IELTS Task 2 Essay Types, you have to identify a problem, discuss its causes and effects, and give possible solutions. To do this, you must evaluate the problem accurately.


  1. Introduction
  • Give an introduction to the problem in brief.
  • Provide some background information.
  • Give a thesis statement with a hint of proposed solutions.
  1. Body Paragraphs
  • There can be 2 or 3 body paragraphs depending on the question.
  • In each paragraph, describe the problem in detail, along with its causes and consequences.
  • Provide realistic solutions along with examples, evidence, and expert opinions.
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points made in the essay.
  • Talk about the importance of solving the problem.

Sample of Problem Solution Essay

Q. The problem of pollution is widespread in urban areas. What are the problems associated with it and what are the possible solutions?


Today, the whole world is facing the problem of air pollution, especially in urban areas. Due to the tremendous increase in traffic and industrialization, the air has become highly contaminated. As a result, it is not only affecting our health but also causing adverse effects to the environment. This will aim at exploring solutions to this problem.


One of the major causes of air pollution is vehicles. A probable solution to this can be the use of more and more public transport instead of private vehicles. We must increase the availability of buses and trains and motivate people to use them so that the traffic on roads can be reduced leading to a reduction in air pollution. Also, the introduction of electronic vehicles can solve the problem to some extent.


The pollution coming out from industries also contributes to air pollution. To control this, the government has to take strict action and set standards for industrial emissions and imposition of penalties. This will help in keeping the air clean and also motivate and guide the industries to adopt green practices.


In conclusion, although air pollution is a big challenge there are practical solutions that can be used. By promoting the use of public transport and implementing emission control in industries, we can achieve a cleaner environment in our cities. In order to achieve this, government, industries, and individuals have to work in collaboration. This will help us achieve a pollution-free future for all.

Key Tips

  1. Define the problem in clear words.
  2. Suggest practical solutions that can be implemented.
  3. Give examples and evidence to support your argument.
  4. Do not give too many points of problems and solutions.
  5. Make sure that there is a solution linked to each problem.

To successfully write a Problem Solution essay, you must clearly understand the question. On the basis of the topic, organize your ideas and write a well-structured essay. Let us now move on to another one from the various types of IELTS writing task 2, advantages and disadvantages essay.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

It is a common task in IELTS Writing Task 2 and requires you to examine both the positive and negative aspects of a particular topic. In this, you get an opportunity to showcase your ability to present a balanced view on a given topic. Moreover, you have to present a well-balanced argument after analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the prompt. Thus, present a well-balanced argument


To draft an ideal advantages and disadvantages essay, you must follow the structure below:

  1. Introduction
  • Give a brief introduction to the topic and provide some background information.
  • Tell the reader that we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
  1. Body Paragraphs 1– Advantages.
  • Describe the advantage in the topic sentence.
  • Give details and support with examples and reasons.
  1. Body Paragraphs 2– Disadvantages.
  • Describe the disadvantage in the topic sentence.
  • Give details and support with examples and reasons.
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points from both the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Give your opinion or a balanced thought.

Sample of Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Q. Social media has become part and parcel of everyone's life today. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of increased use of social media.


Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is a primary source of connecting people throughout the world. It also provides a good platform for communication and information sharing. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of using social media.


One significant advantage of social media is the ease of communication. There are platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram enable individuals to stay connected with friends and family, no matter how far they live. This helps in reducing distances and helps in instantly connecting for any reason.


On the other hand, a major disadvantage is the chances of hampering the privacy of individuals. As we are sharing personal information online, there is a risk of unauthorized access and misuse. People tend to use private information during communication for the wrong purpose which can have fatal consequences.


Finally, we can say that social media offers unmatched connectivity to the users. They can also share a lot of information with each other. This makes it a valuable tool of today's time. But you must be aware of the risks to your private information. Therefore, while using social media, you must learn to strike a balance between enjoying its benefits and avoiding the drawbacks. This will give you a positive social media experience.

Key Tips

  1. Try to provide a balanced discussion of both advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Provide proper examples and evidence to support your argument.
  3. The structure of the essay is very important here. Divide the essay into clear paragraphs.
  4. You should use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to showcase your language proficiency.
  5. In the end, you can also present your opinion about the question.

You have to be very careful while drafting this one from the list of different IELTS essay types. Understand the question properly and then explore the topic in different paragraphs about advantages and disadvantages. Next, we are going to learn about Double Question Essays.


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5. Double Question Essays

Double Question Essays are also known as Two-Part Question Essays. These are a crucial type of essays that you can encounter in your IELTS exam of writing Task 2. In these IELTS essay types, candidates are required to address two different questions in a single essay. These questions often require different types of information or views. In addition, this type of essay is an integral part of the IELTS syllabus. In this, you will have a statement with two questions after it. They may or may not be linked to each other.


Here is the structure of an ideal double-question essay that will help you earn higher marks:

  1. Introduction
  • Address both questions in brief.
  • Give an overview of how you will deal with each question.
  1. First Body Paragraph
  • Address the first question.
  • Provide examples, evidence, and explanations.
  1. Second Body Paragraph
  • Address the second question.
  • Provide examples, evidence, and explanations.
  1. Conclusion
  • Summarize the main points made in the essay.
  • Tie both questions in one knot at the end.

Sample of Double Question Essays

Q. Many people shop online for clothes and other items nowadays. Discuss the pros and cons of online shopping. Also, state whether you think online shopping will become more popular in the future.


There has been tremendous growth in the number of customers who prefer online shopping for their everyday needs. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of online shopping and will also explore the future trends of it.


Online shopping has an edge over local shopping as it offers convenience. You can just sit at home and order whatever you want by just using your smartphone or computer. Thus, you are able to save a lot of time, and effort and need to physically travel from one place to another. But there is a downside to it also. You are not able to physically touch and feel the items like in offline stores. If you are buying clothes, the quality, size, and look cannot be perfectly assessed in online shopping.


Although it is difficult to say that in future online shopping will boost or not, looking at the current trends it can be said that it will continue to grow. The increasing number of e-commerce platforms, as well as dependency on technology, shows a rising trend in online shopping.


In conclusion, online shopping is a convenient way of shopping but lacks a personal touch, and the customers are not able to physically examine them. The future of online shopping looks promising, but it will depend on factors like technological advancements and changes in consumer behavior.

Key Tips

  1. Clearly understand both the questions of the essay.
  2. Decide the amount of time you will give to each question.
  3. Do not repeat the information.
  4. Give point-to-point information.
  5. Add examples and evidence to support your answers.

In order to master double-question essays, you must regularly practice them. Understand the kind of questions you will encounter and how you have to handle them.

Now we have learned about the 5 major types of essays in IELTS. Understanding their structure is crucial for your success in IELTS writing task 2. Each essay is different and demands specific skills. On the basis of differences in the essay types, you have to alter your writing approach. The proverb ‘Practice makes the man perfect’ perfectly fits here. The more you practice essay writing, the better essays you will be able to write. If you have any queries or doubts related to IELTS writing task 2 or study abroad consultants, you can contact the experts at

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