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IELTS Line Graph Task 1 - Samples And Tips for Success

The IELTS Writing Task 1 include the topics where you describe what you see in the visual. It includes writing about a graph, chart, table, or map. A proper outline of what you concluded from the task must be included in your response. In total, there are 7 different types of data included in the writing section of IELTS. Whatever task you get, the format will be the same. However, this blog covers the line graph task 1 sample questions and answers. In addition, there are some tips to excel in this task of writing section.

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Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1

The IELTS exam evaluates student’s skills in four criteria: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Based on this test students get selected in their preferred university. However, in the writing section of the exam, test takers are required to take the line graph task 1 to describe the information presented in a graph. Candidates are expected to provide proper explanations, compare facts, and draw conclusions based on the graph. A line graph is a graphical representation of data and information that depicts the connection between two variables over a certain time period. It may be rising, decreasing, or stable. You will get 20 minutes to write down your answers, with a minimum of 150 words.

The Task 1 line graph typically involves analysing the trends, patterns, and variations depicted in the graph and presenting a clear outline for the information. This task assesses the candidate’s ability to understand and convey information effectively while showing their level of grammar and coherence. A line graph is also known as a line plot or a line chart that uses lines to connect individual data points. It displays quantitative values over a specified time interval. However, to make you more clear the next section covers how to structure your answer in line chart task 1. Let’s have a look:

How to Write an Answer in IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1

This section talks about the right strategy and key steps, through which you can transform this task of line graph into an opportunity to showcase your abilities. It includes data analysis, writing prowess and band score of 7 and beyond. However, the question asks you only to ‘Summarise the information’ instead of giving your personal opinions on the topic. The main aim of IELTS writing task 1 is to create a formal report that tells and compares the main points of line graphs.

When you are creating a report for your task 1 in IELTS writing, you should always include:

  • An Introduction
  • An Overview
  • Two main body paragraphs

The above given structure can be followed on other Academic Task 1 types including bar graphs, maps, and pie chart task 1. However, in this section, we will be looking at the structure of the line graph of the IELTS writing portion.

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Step 1: Craft a Clear Introduction

Your introduction should always start with paraphrasing the given statement. It is a key skill that is needed in all parts of the IELTS exam, especially in writing. You are showing the examiner that you have understood the given statement by putting it in your own words. By using synonyms or phrases with the same meaning you can change the order of words.

In line graph task 1, you should not memorize an answer, instead you can learn some useful expressions to start your introduction. For example:

  • The graph shows information about...
  • The graph illustrates...
  • The line graph compares...
  • The line charts detail...

Step 2: Write an Overview

Your overview is probably the most important part of your task 1 report. Without it, you cannot score good marks in the exam. An overview must include one paragraph that summarises the key trends shown in the graph. Do not go into too much detail, instead save the detail for your main body paragraphs.

The best way to start your overview in line chart task 1 is with ‘Overall’... as this clearly shows the examiner where to find your overview. Also, you can add some phrases like ‘In summary’ or ‘to summarise’. Through this, it gives a basic understanding of the data’s story.

Step 3: Write the Main Body Paragraphs

Now, you must delve deeper into the data. Your main paragraphs should focus on more detail about the key information in the line graphs. In the line graph IELTS,you need to make your paragraphs clear and organize them logically. Here’s an example:

Main Body Paragraph 1- Describe the changes in one category

Main Body Paragraph 2- Describe the changes in another category and make comparisons with the first category.

Each paragraph should focus on a specific key feature, using figures, percentages, and data points given in the graph to support your observations. Moreover, explain trends, changes, and relationships between data points given in your task 1 line graph.

Overall, summarise the main features, patterns, or trends observed in the line graph. And in last, take an overview of your summary and check for accuracy, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Now, in our next section, we’ll be looking at some sample questions and answers to line graphs that can be asked in your exam.

IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1: Sample 1

Look at the sample question on the topic- Car Theft in Four Countries that can be asked in your IELTS writing task 1 of a line graph. You can go through the sample answer given below to understand the correct pattern of how to write an answer.

Learn How to Write Answers in Task 1 Line Graph with

Sample Answer 1

The graph shows information about number of cars stolen per 1000 vehicles in four countries from 1990 to 1999. From the graph, it is visible that car thefts are much higher in Great Britain as compared to the other three countries throughout the whole time frame.

To start with, car thefts in Sweden, France and Canada follow a fairly similar pattern during the first five years, all constantly remaining at between 5 and 10 per thousand. However, for France and Canada, the decline has been shown in the number of vehicles stolen over a specific period, with both at around 6 in 1999. In a variation, Sweden experienced a rise from starting approximately at 8 and reaching at just under 15.

Appealingly, we see Great Britain started at 18 per thousand, which far exceeded the other three countries. It then varied in the next nine years, reaching 20 thefts per 1000 in 1996, and ending the run a little lower from where it began, at approximately 17 per thousand.

IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1: Sample 2

Check out another sample of line chart task 1 on the topic- Birth and Death Rates in New Zealand. Through this sample answer, you will get an idea of how to write an answer in your writing section.

Excel in This Topic of “Birth and Death Rates in New Zealand” with

Sample Answer 2

The graph shows some changes in the birth and death rates in New Zealand since 1901, that continues to 2101.

Between 1901 and the present day, the birth rate has been constantly higher than the death rate. It stood at 20,000 at the start of the period and increased to a peak of 66,000 in 1961. Since then the rate has changed from 65 to 50 thousand and it is expected that it will reduce slowly to around 45,000 births by the end of the century.

On the contrary, the death rate started below 10,000 and has increased a little until the present time. This increase is expected to be faster in the middle of 2021 and 2051, when the rate will more likely drop to around 60,000, before falling a bit in 2101.

Overall, these opposing trends mean that the death rate will probably overtake the birth rate in around 2041 and the large gap between the two levels will be changed in the later part of this century.

IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1: Sample 3

Look at the third sample question of task 1 line graph on the topic- Requests for Information at a Tourist Office. See the sample answer below and learn how to use frame the right answer in the writing portion.

Ace This Task of IELTS Writing “Requests for Information at a Tourist Office in UK” with

Sample Answer 3

The line chart details the frequency of requests made in person, via letter/email, and by telephone at a UK tourist office over the first six months of a given year. Overall, it is clear that in-person requests grew from the least to the most prevalent over time, remarking telephone calls, which also grew. By the end of the survey period, information requests via letter and email had decreased significantly.

In January, the requests of the in-person category were the lowest of the three groups, totalling around 420. In comparison, the written requests and phone calls were at 770 and 900, respectively. By coming in the mid of March, in-person requests 1000 had eclipsed other queries, that continued until the end of the period, when it reached 1900.

In comparison, the telephone requests varied between 800 and 1000 until the beginning of April, when they increased extremely to finish slightly behind in-person requests at 1600. Letter and email queries declined slightly until March to 700, then fell sharply and levelled off at 400 from May to June.

Finally, these are some sample questions and answers that can be asked in your IELTS writing task 1 of a line graph. Now in our next section, we’ll look at some tips to excel in the line graph of the writing section.

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Tips to Excel in IELTS Writing Line Graph Task 1

Line graphs are a very common task in the IELTS exam. The topics vary for each chart, as each one represents different types of information, over different periods. Moreover, the exam pattern of IELTS writing section is designed to test a candidate’s ability to present your viewpoint or argument. Thus, in this section, the tips are covered that can help you ace the line graph in the writing portion.

  • Candidates must be able to identify keywords, patterns, and fluctuations presented in the graph.
  • Use paragraphs to explore different aspects of the graph, keeping things clear and easy to follow.
  • Look for points of comparison and contrast within the graph.
  • Put numbers or percentages to support your sentences in the body paragraph.
  • Don’t merge your points in separate paragraphs. You should make sure to include the main increases and decreases shown in the graph.
  • Avoid using words like for the amounts, use sometimes “it increases by double” that shows the difference.
  • Aim for about 160-190 words. Don’t write under the word count.
  • If the line graph includes many lines and a lot of movement, be selective. You will be evaluated on your ability to select key features.
  • Take the time to proofread and revise your writing. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Clarity and Conciseness are key to ace the IELTS writing task 1 So maintain it.

Finally, these are some of the useful tips that students can apply to excel in the line chart of the writing portion. These tips will help you to achieve a good score. Thus, candidates who want to go abroad and aim to take the exam of IELTS, they must check the IELTS syllabus of all four sections on our website.

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In conclusion, mastering the IELTS task 1 topics of writing part is an achievable goal with the right strategies and practice. To explain charts, graphs, and diagrams effectively one should not only have a good command of the English language but the ability to analyse the information briefly. As you embark on your IELTS journey, the two keys to success are practice and perseverance. Moreover, if you want to practice similar line graph task 1 questions you can check out our IELTS mock tests on our website


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