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Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future- Ielts Cue Card

The IELTS speaking section comprises three parts, and each requires a different strategy. Part 1 is the warm-up portion with some introductory questions. In part 2 of the IELTS speaking test, you will be given a cue card. On it, there will be a task that you have to complete. The purpose is to see if you can speak on one topic for an extended period. Thus, this blog covers the sample responses for the topic “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future.” Also, the follow-up questions which an examiner will ask after the IELTS speaking part 2.

"Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future” Cue Card

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards

A cue card is a piece of paper that will tell you to describe something and give you a few bullet points on how to explain it. Once you are finished with part one of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will hand you this cue card. You will get one minute to prepare your answer. Once you have done that, you are required to speak for between one and two minutes on the given topic. The main focus of IELTS Cue Cards is assessing if the candidate is proficient enough to structure their response. Thus, our next section covers how to answer the cue card in the speaking section.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

To score well in the cue card section, you need to structure your answer in a logical and organized manner. These cards include a prompt, 3 dot points, and an additional sentence. The prompt is the topic on which you have to talk about. And 3 dot points are supposed to be covered in your talk. The exam takes around 2-3 minutes to complete, including the one-minute preparation time. Use this time to note down your key ideas, and plan a clear beginning, middle, and end. Your response focuses on areas such as fluency, coherence, grammar, and pronunciation. By grasping the importance of cue cards, you can better perform in the IELTS speaking part 2. In addition, this blog covers the sample answers for the topic “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future.”

You can structure your answer for “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future” based on the following points.

  • What is it?
  • Where you will do it?
  • Whether it is easy or difficult?
  • And explain why would you like to try it.

Let us show you how a cue card looks like in your IELTS exam. Have a look at the image given below.

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Now you have a glimpse at the most likely cue card that you can get in your exam. Let’s move ahead with the blog and see the sample answers for the topic “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future.”

Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future- Sample 1

Here is the first sample answer that you can use in your IELTS speaking exam. This will help you to frame your response in an organized way.


I am a sporty personality and have a keen interest in water sports. I have experienced a few water sports already, such as boating and river rafting.

What is it?

Well, there is one water sport that I’ve always wanted to try in the future, which is kayaking. Kayaking is a thrilling adventure activity that involves traversing water bodies using a small, narrow boat called a kayak. It’s something that has intrigued me for a while now, and I’m eager to experience the rush of paddling across the water.

Where you will do it?

When I envision trying kayaking, I imagine myself picturesque location with calm waters and stunning natural surroundings. One place that immediately comes to my mind is a tranquil lake nestled within a lush mountain valley. I can imagine the tranquillity of the surroundings, the gentle lapping of the water against the kayak, and the sense of freedom as I explore the untouched beauty of nature.

Whether it is easy or difficult?

As for the level of difficulty, I would say that kayaking might have a learning curve, especially for a beginner like me. Balancing the kayak, coordinating the paddle strokes, and maintaining a proper rhythm seem like skills that would require some practice. However, I’m quite athletic and open to learning, so while it might be a bit challenging initially, I’m confident that I can gradually master the techniques and enjoy the experience to the fullest.

And explain why would you like to try it.

The reason I’m drawn to trying kayaking is twofold. Firstly, it offers a unique way to connect with nature. Being on the water, surrounded by peacefulness and navigating through serene landscapes is a combined form of relaxation and adventure. Secondly, kayaking is a wonderful way to challenge myself physically and mentally. The sense of accomplishment that comes from the formidable challenges of the water and gaining control over the kayak is something that I believe would be incredibly rewarding.


Finally, kayaking is a water sport that I’m excited to try in the future. I can’t wait to paddle my way through the calm waters and immerse myself in the beauty of nature while experiencing the thrill of this water-based adventure.

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Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future- Sample 2

Look at the second sample response, which you can frame in the IELTS speaking section to ace the cue card.


Ever since I was young, the vast, perplexing ocean has fascinated me, beckoning me to explore its depths and wonders.

What is it?

One water sport that I have longed to try in the future is scuba diving. The thought of immersing myself in the underwater world, surrounded by vibrant marine life and serene silence, is both exhilarating and calming. To me, scuba diving represents not just an adventurous sport but a chance to connect with nature on a profound level and to respect and understand the beauty and fragility of our oceans.

Where will you do it?

I am particularly drawn to the idea of diving in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, known for its breathtaking coral gardens and diverse aquatic species. I envisage myself gliding effortlessly alongside colourful fish, observing the intricate coral reefs, and perhaps even encountering the gentle sea turtles in their natural habitat. The thought of diving in the pristine waters of the Great Barrier Reef seems appealing to me.

Whether it is easy or difficult?

Talking about the difficulty, Scuba diving can be both easy and challenging, depending on the depth and conditions. For beginners, basic training and shallow dives are quite manageable. However, it is also understood that proper training and safety measures are essential before taking the plunge. While it might be a bit intimidating at first, the thrill of discovering the underwater world makes it worth trying.

And explain why would you like to try it.

I would like to try this sport because this experience would not only challenge me physically but also expand my perspective on the importance of marine conversation. The combination of the serene underwater environment and the thrill of diving is something I eagerly anticipate. To prepare for this adventure, I plan to undertake a certified diving course to equip myself with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely explore the underwater world.


Finally, I believe that Scuba diving will not only be enjoyable but also an enriching experience that connects me with nature in a profound way.

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Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future- Sample 3

Here is the third sample answer to help you get an overview of how to present your opinions in the test.


There is a range of water sports that I’d love to try since I have always been excited by the idea of trying new and adventurous activities.

What is it?

I would like to try synchronized swimming in the future. It is a sport where the movements of one or more swimmers are synchronized with musical accompaniment. The first time I knew about this kind of sport was about twelve years ago when China held the Olympic games in 2008. I stumbled across this captivating sport when watching various sports competitions on television and I was suddenly mesmerized by the exquisite moves performed by the athletes. From then on, I became a crazy fan of this sport.

Where will you do it?

I can go to any swimming pool if I want to try it, but I should choose one which can offer professional training so that I can be instructed by an experienced coach. And I’ve found a better place via the website before and it is just within walking distance of my home. It costs 200 per hour to receive training in synchronized swimming.

Whether it is easy or difficult?

I’m not sure whether it is difficult for me to learn synchronized swimming since I’ve never tried it. But one of my friends had learnt it before, and she told me that it was far more difficult than she had expected. It’s a kind of sophisticated sport that requires a lot of effort and stamina. And you should have a good sense of balance if you want to do well in it.

And explain why would you like to try it.

I want to try synchronized swimming because of the sense of freedom and excitement it offers. Like I said before, I love new challenges, and it looks elegant and attractive. Besides, I’ve never tried anything as extreme as this sport before. I believe that I can learn a lot and have an unforgettable experience if I try it. It is a fantastic way to help me keep fit and strengthen my body.


Finally, synchronized swimming is a water sport that I am exuberant about trying in the future.

Lexical Resources

In the table below, you will come across the meaning of the words, grammar, and pronunciation that will help you enhance your IELTS vocabulary.

Lexical Resources Meaning
Sporty Fond of or good at sport
Kayak A light narrow canoe with a covering over the top
Traversing To move or travel through an area
Picturesque Attractive in appearance
Tranquil Calm and peaceful and without noise
Rhythm A strong pattern of sounds. words, or musical notes
Formidable Respect for something or someone
Thrill A feeling of extreme excitement
Perplexing Confusing
Beckoning To move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer
Fragility The quality of being easily damaged
Exhilarating Making you feel very excited and happy
Aquatic Living or growing in water
Envisage To imagine or expect something in the future
Intricate Having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a delicate way
Plunge To move or fall suddenly
Intimidating Making you feel nervous
Anticipate To expect that something will happen
Stumbled To step awkwardly while walking or running
Mesmerized To have someone’s attention completely
Exquisite Very beautiful and delicate
Synchronized Happening together at the same or right time
Accompaniment Playing the main tune
Excitement A feeling of being excited
Exuberant Very energetic

The above-given list will help you learn more vocabulary for the speaking section of the IELTS exam and explain how to frame the right words in your answer. Now let’s discuss the possible follow-up questions in the following section, which comes after your cue card round.

Follow-Up Questions

In part 3 of the test, the examiner will ask you follow-up questions based on the flow of conversation or your previous answers. One of the benefits of follow-up questions is that they help you identify additional aspects that can make a difference in an answer. It is a two-way discussion with the examiner and will last 4-5 minutes. Now let’s look at the questions for the topic “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future” that can be asked after your IELTS speaking part 2.

  • Which is the most popular water sport in your country?
  • What kind of activities would you do if you were spending leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
  • Why do some people like water sports?
  • Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?
  • Are there many schools teaching swimming?

These are some of the follow-up questions that an examiner can ask you in your IELTS speaking exam. Now let’s discuss some tips to excel in the IELTS cue card round.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS exam assesses the student's ability to communicate effectively in English based on four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Most students find pie chart task 1 and cue card round most challenging. Thus, this blog covers the speaking section so we’ll be looking at some tips that you can use to ace the cue card section.

  • Write down some keywords or ideas related to the topic.
  • Ensure clarity by speaking at a clear and moderate pace.
  • Use stress and intonation to emphasize important points.
  • Enhance your language skills by learning new words, phrases, and idioms related to a wide range of topics.
  • Enhance your preparation by practicing with official IELTS Speaking Test materials.
  • Practice speaking on a range of topics to improve your fluency and vocabulary.
  • Provide specific details, examples, and anecdotes to support your points.
  • Use a mix of simple and complex sentences.

Related IELTS Cue Card Topics

  1. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On
  2. Describe an Area of Science That Interests You
  3. Describe Someone Who Often Helps Others
  4. Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire
  5. Describe a Piece of Good Advice That You Gave to Someone


To sum up, preparing for the IELTS speaking section can be challenging, but with proper assistance, you can do well. Furthermore, this blog provides a complete overview of sample answers to the cue card topic “Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future.” In addition, we also mentioned the follow-up questions and tips to excel in the speaking portion. However, if you are facing difficulty in your IELTS preparation then we are here for you. Join our offline or online IELTS classes at and study from our qualified trainers.


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