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Venus in Transit Reading Answers with Explanation

Are you an IELTS aspirant looking for reading passages for better preparation? If yes, read the sample below of a Venus in transit reading answers for reference. Also, detailed explanations of solutions are provided. The reading section assesses candidates' language skills with the 4-5 types of questions. However, you have to solve all the queries in just 20 minutes. Since, you have to solve 3 passages in 60 minutes, manage your time wisely. You can learn time-management skills by solving this write-up under the timeline.

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Answers for Venus In Transit Reading Passage with Explanation

Let's know above mentioned Venus in transit reading passage answers with the explanation:

Question 1

Explanation :“The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars.” In the 5th line of the F paragraph, it proves that parallax principles can extend the measurements of the stars in different ways. Hence, the answer is “F”.

Question 2

Explanation :“Fleeing on a French warship crossing the Indian Ocean, Le Gentil saw a wonderful transit - but the ship’s pitching and rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations.” The first line of the D’s 2nd paragraph describes the event which prevented a transit observation. Hence, the answer is “D”.

Question 3

Explanation :“But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs in the cosmos - detecting Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars.” In the 2nd line of the G paragraph might prove to be one of the most crucial breakthroughs, so it is concluded that it discusses the potential future discoveries leading on from transit observation. Hence, the answer is “G”.

Question 4

Explanation :“While this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.” The last line of the E paragraph states that since the measurement was dodged, early astronomical instruments failed to detect the certain physical status of Venus. Hence, the answer is “E”.

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Question 5

ANSWER :D (Johann Franz Encke)
Explanation :“Johann Franz Encke, Director of the Berlin Observatory, finally determined a value for the AU based on all these parallax measurements: 153,340,000 km.” The 2nd line of the F paragraph confirms that Johann Franz Encke calculated the distance of the sun from the Earth based on observation of Venus. Hence, the answer is “D”.

Question 6

ANSWER :A (Edmond Halley)
Explanation :“By timing the transit from two widely separated locations, teams of astronomers could calculate the parallax angle - the apparent difference in position.......” The 4th line of the B paragraph proves that Edmond Halley's understanding of the distance of the sun from the earth could be worked out by comparing observation to transit. Hence, the answer is “A”.

Question 7

ANSWER :B (Johannes Kepler)
Explanation :“had shown that the distances of the planets from the Sun governed their orbital speeds, which were easily measurable.” The 2nd line of the C paragraph shows that Johannes Kepler realized that the time taken by a planet to go around the Sun depends on its distance from IT. Hence, the answer is “B”.

Question 8

ANSWER :C (Guillaume Le Gentil)
Explanation :“rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations.” The 2nd line of D’s 2nd paragraph shows that Guillaume Le Gentil witnessed a Venus transit but was unable to make any calculations. Hence, the answer is “C”.

Question 9

Explanation :“Nevertheless, he accurately predicted that Venus would cross the face of the Sun in both 1761 and 1769 - though he didn’t survive to see either.” The last line of the C paragraph proves that the given statement is wrong as Halley observes the innermost planet Mercury, not Venus so the answer is “False”.

Question 10

Explanation :“Ironically after travelling nearly 50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.” The last line of the D’s 2nd paragraph proves that when Le Gentil tried to observe the second Venus transit the view was clouded so he was not able to see it. Hence, the information is incorrect so the answer is “False”.

Question 11

Explanation :“When Venus begins to cross the Sun’s disc, it looks smeared not circular - which makes it difficult to establish timings.” The 2nd line of the E paragraph proves that Venus looks smeared, not circular, it means the shape of it appears to be distorted when it starts to pass in front of the Sun. Hence, the given statement is correct so the answer is “True”.

Question 12

ANSWER :Not Given
Explanation :The given statement is not in the whole passage so the answer is “Not Given”.

Question 13

Explanation :“The parallax principle can be extended to measure the distances to the stars.” The 5th line of the F paragraph confirms that the parallax principle allows astronauts to work out how far away distant stars are from the Earth. The given statement is correct so the answer is “True”.

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